(09-22-21) Congrats Dipika and Co-authors for their paper in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces!

(08/24/21) Vaishali joins Intellia Therapeutics. Congrats Vaishali!!

(08/23/21) Nathan Piligian joins our team. Welcome!

(07/23/21) Congrats Vaishali and Anujan for their paper in Advanced Therapeutics!!!

(06-14-21) Anthony successfully completed the NSF National Research Traineeship program. Congrats Anthony!!

(06-01-21) Anh is joining Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) for her summer internship. Good luck Anh!!

(05-27-21) Anh passed her dissertation prospectus. Congrats Anh!!! 2nd PhD candidate in the lab.

(05-24-21) James Forster passed his PhD qualifying exam with flying colors. Congrats James!!!

(05-11-21) Anjuan and Anthony’s spotlight paper on Macrophage Immunotherapy has been accepted in ACS Applied BioMaterials. Congrats!!

(05-11-21) Ashish is selected as the UMass ADVANCE Faculty Fellow. We are excited!!