(10-24-19) Our paper on “Dual inhibition of CSF1R and MAPK pathways using supramolecular nanoparticles” is out in Biomaterials!

Congratulations to Anujan, Anthony, Sahana and Dipika!!

(10-18-19) Ashish gave a talk at BMES Annual Meeting.

(10-18-19) Ashish received CMBE Young Innovator Award. Thanks CMBE and BMES!

(09-10-19) Congrats Hong for receiving the Freshman Recognition Award from AIChE!!!

(07-16-19) Our lab has been awarded a Research Scholar Grant from American Cancer Society. Thanks ACS!!!

(07-15-19) Congrats Anh for receiving the NIH BTP Fellowship!!

(07-09-19) Congrats Anthony for receiving the NSF National Research Traineeship Fellowship!!

(06-23-19) Ashish and Anh presented posters at the 2019 Cancer Nanotechnology GRC

(05-21-19) Our paper on ‘Dual Inhibitors-Loaded Nanotherapeutics’ is out in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. Congrats Anujan and Dipika!

(05-10-19) Congrats to our graduating seniors Bianca, William, Daniel, Emily, Wil and Max!!